The CNRP (Colition of Non Republican Parties)

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The CNRP (Colition of Non Republican Parties) believes that regular Americans should lead the country. While professional politicians might be able to make a useful contribution in the administrative ranks of the government, the actual job of leadership should be performed by people from different walks of life. It is our belief that leadership, which is not really "of the people" becomes disconnected from the concerns of the people and therefore cannot adequately represent them.

The CNRP (Coalition of Non Republican Parties) believes that all people are equal and should have equal rights and equal opportunities. To this end the CNRP supports the concept that all members of a community should have their basic needs (housing, food, health, education) met before any public resources are used for Luxury accommodations (Tax breaks for the rich, Tax breaks for golf courses, the cap on SSI or unemployment payroll deductions, etc,). The CNRP also believes that every member of a community should have access to some luxury items before any member of the community possesses extravagance items. (i.e. Before anyone in a county has a mansion, everyone in the county will have a house, access to food, medical care, access to education, and resources to purchase a vehicle or go on a vacation.)

The CNRP Mission Statement

To support and encourage legislation and policies that help to insure that the average American is afforded every chance to achieve the American dream.

The CNRP Platform

  1. Full Employment - The single most important factor in determining the prosperity of a community is the gainful employment of the citizens. Anyone who wants a job should be able to get a job. In general a belief that community prosperity is more important than corporate profitability.
    1. Perks for companies that work towards this goal
    2. Sanctions on companies that seek profits at the expense of community stability.
    Vision -A county/region/state where there is no unemployment, where everyone who wants a job has a job.
  2. Education -Ultimately job quality is determined by the ability and education of each citizen. As a result it is the responsibility of the community to insure that each citizen should have equal and complete access to all levels of education.
    1. Perks for companies who assist in the education of their employees, their employees families and other members of the community.
    2. Sanctions on companies that hinder or fail to adequately encourage the continued education or training of their employees.
    3. Sanctions against efforts to establish "schools for the rich" or any other sub component of society.
    Vision - A county/region/state where no one is denied an education. Where all citizens regardless of their financial status, learning ability or prior education has equal access to all levels of education.
  3. Good Health - Every citizen has the right to equal and complete health care. It is the responsibility of the community to insure that every citizen has the appropriate Health Care.
    1. Perks to companies that engage in activities that enhance the overall health of their employees and the community at large.
    2. Perks to companies, organizations and individuals who engage in activities designed to assist mentally disabled persons in claiming their rights to health care and adequate shelter.
    3. Sanctions against companies that extract profits from the community without addressing the health concerns of the community. (i.e. Health coverage before profits.)
    Vision - A county/region/state where complete health care is guaranteed and all citizens are covered regardless of their financial status, employment status or health status. If you live here you have complete health care.
  4. Environmental Equilibrium - It is the responsibility of the community to insure that it's natural resources are used in a responsible manner which preserves the overall equilibrium of the local eco-system.
    1. Perks to companies that act in an economically responsible fashion.
    2. Perks to companies that engage in responsible development
    3. Sanctions to prevent over development and/or urban sprawl
    4. Sanctions to prevent the extinction of a resource
    5. Sanctions to prevent low quality (future slum) developments
    6. Policies that prevent the running together of towns. All future expansion should maintain a minimum of 10 miles (15 miles preferred) between towns. These borders should consist of open land, farm land, vineyards or other open space usage. Efforts should be made to correct situations where urban merging currently exists.
    7. Each town should have a municipal building plan that includes: Open space per person (parks, dog areas, nature preserves), adequate infrastructure (light rail, Public Transportation, roads adequate to support the population). Every effort should be made to make each of these environmentally friendly - Using electric Light rail (North Bay BART) to reduce hydrocarbon exhaust in the air.
    8. Perks to property owners that use alternative energy sources on their property. Additional perks if they back feed power into the grid.
    9. Sanctions against companies that erect monolithic eyesores (for example a driving range that erects large nets on rusty poles in an urban or suburban area (The same type of company could earn perks if they were to make the rusty poles look like redwood trees using recycled plastic as the bark and foliage.)
    Vision - A county/region/state where the design of the community is seen as a work of art. Aesthetically pleasing, environmentally conscious, striking a balance between the beauty of the countryside and the development necessary to support the citizens of the area.
  5. A Safe Place to Live - It is the responsibility of the community to insure that every citizen has a safe place to live. This is based on the understanding that a property owned will be more likely maintained in a state that enhances the overall character of the community.
    1. Perks for companies and organizations that seek to provide housing ownership for low income citizens. (Habitat for Humanity type efforts).
    2. Sanctions against land barrons who do not help support the community. (this is aimed at out of the area land owners who extract large profits from their land assets and contribute nothing back to the community. It does not apply land owners owning only a few parcels, or land owners who do not reap hugh profits.
    3. Law enforcement that works in conjunction with community leaders to minimize the factors that lead to crime rather than focusing on punishing criminals.
    4. Perks and encouragement to companies, organizations and individuals who are willing to donate time, money and materials to build long term shelters to keep people off of the streets.
    Vision - A county/region/state where everyone who wants a home has a home in a setting (urban, suburban or rural) of their choice. Where crime is controlled by insuring each citizen has what they need and the opportunities to work for something better.

While some of these goals may seem far fetched to some. It is not difficult to come up with a way to use county funds towards these goals. For example:

  1. Employment and training program which uses people who have run out of unemployment benefits to build "habitat for Humanity" type low income housing. (Helps reach Full employment (1) and A safe place to live (5) goals.
  2. Employment and training program to use area citizens in the construction of a local light rail line. While there might be better trained people to do this job, it would serve the county better to use contractors from the county to build our roads and public transit facilities.
  3. Employment and training program. Green stripe retrofit project. Using area citizens to demolish old structures in urban or sub-urban areas turning the cleared area into a park.

One area of major concern is the number of lawyers currently in the Executive and Legislative branches of government. Lawyers are one group of people who are least likely to even know what it is like to be a regular American citizen. The path they follow to obtain a position as a lawyer almost guarantees that they will not experience what it is like to be an average American. We do not believe they should be banned from serving, we believe their numbers in Government leadership should be proportional to their numbers in society.

The CNRP also has opinions concerning capitalism and the extent of it's use in America. While we concede that capitalism has been good for America in the past, we are concerned with the Republican view of "Capitalism can do not wrong". It is easy to find examples of how capitalism left un checked can lead to bad results (Microsoft, Walmart, Enron and MCI are all examples of this problem). We recognize that Capitalism is clever way to allow a nation of very different people to be treated as equal. Capitalism prevents revolution (*1), that is it's primary advantage in society, beyond that it is just a way of providing people with jobs. The quest for profit cannot be used to solve all of the nations problems. In some instances it is at odds with the problem that needs to be solved. A good example of this is medicine. Do you want the "Profit Potential" of your cure to be part of the evaluation process when you go to the hospital ? Right now it is, from drugs that are not necessary (but very profitable), to procedures that are not done to you because it would cost the health care organization too much, unchecked capitalism is killing Americans left and right. The CNRP believes that health care cannot be a business for this very reason.

The CNRP does not believe that it is healthy for a country to spend millions of dollars on the election for a government office. This is again an example of capitalism unchecked. It boils winning the election down to who can spend the most on marketing and constituent intelligence. I don't mean constituent information here (what the constituents need), but constituent intelligence (how they will vote if provided with certain motivations). The "Tax Cut Paradox" is an example of this. Constituents have been programmed by the republicans to believe that less taxes equals more net gain to the average citizen. They are confident this will work because they keep higher education away from the average American. What the average American does not realize is that for each dollar in tax cut they loose two or more dollars worth of government provided service (health care, infrastructure, police, fire, etc) while at the same time the wealthy citizens (the ones the Republicans cater to) get a two dollar or more cut (because they allegedly pay more) but they loose no services. The CNRP is in favor of significant spending limits on all government office campaigns.

The CNRP believes that any citizen should be able to run for President. There should be no $250.00 registration fee or deadline for signing up. All that should be necessary is to acquire the needed votes to win. The CNRP does not believe anyone should be forced to vote in any election along party lines. In every election, Primary or not, each person should vote for the candidate they feel can best do the job. To this end anyone can be a member of the CNRP even if they are registered with another party.

(*1) - Capitalism prevents revolution - As people in a country become dissatisfied they get together and voice their dissatisfaction but they will not act until a leader becomes part of their ranks and motivates them to act. Capitalism prevents the leaders from ever joining the ranks of the dissatisfied by offering anyone with the ability to lead a revolution with the more rewarding opportunity to lead their own company, and in so doing making them one of the satisfied. Unregulated Capitalism creates a defacto class system, which flys in the face of the concept that "All people are created equal".

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